
Lily Flagg Pool is nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Southeast Huntsville, Alabama. Lily Flagg is a private club with approximately 300 families. The pool was first opened in the summer of 1958. Through many improvements, Lily Flagg was transformed into a fun filled place to enjoy hot summer days. The pool offers a family atmosphere with many activities. The facility has three pools. Lily Flagg has a large 25 meter racing pool with a dedicated diving pool, a junior pool, and a baby pool. Two pavilions and several tables with umbrellas provide shade and a place for socializing and parties. Lily Flagg is one of the few private neighborhood pools in Huntsville with a low and high dive.

Lily Flagg Pool History

Early 1956 – Property purchased, approx. 5 acres.

May, 1957 – Pool Contracted to Wood Lumber for $25,000

August, 1957 – Final Payment

September, 1957 – Joe Fleming paid $6,491 for bath house construction.

It is unclear if the pool was filled for use this season.

1958 – Opened for swimming.

July, 1959 – Tennis Courts paved and fenced. $1,725

Early 1960 – Junior pool was built, with controversy!

October, 1966 – Local pool designer, Robert Edgerton designed a new pool – what we know as Lily Flagg today.

LF Baby Pool July, 1967 – New big pool and baby pool were opened. The old pool is under the east deck of the Big pool and step down to the Junior pool.

1973 – Tennis Courts were resurfaced.

1987 – Main pool gutter system was replaced with open tile gutter, remove and re-plaster upper three feet of diving well walls, and tiled the racing line stripes and crosses.

 1989 – Junior pool renovation. New skimmer baskets and replacement of a lot of deck concrete.

 1994 – Club house pavilion built with volunteer labor.

 1996 – Junior/baby pooolder pict3l pavilion built.

 1997 – Stainless steel gutter addition, $120,000.

2010 – Large pool resurfaced.

2012 – Deck resurfaced. Railings painted.

2013 – Pumps replaced.

2015 – Started renovation on pool house.

2016 – Pool house renovation completed.

2020 – New Fence around pool and fenced play area, new basketball goal.

2021 – New Chairs and Chaise lounges, Gaga Ball Pit, Game area with swings, Toddler play area next to baby pool


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